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Maharashtra gets tough with seed companies selling duds

Posted by Flora Sawita Labels: , ,

(The Economic Times)  Companies that sell vegetable seeds to farmers have come under the scanner in Maharashtra following a rise in complaints about dud seeds. There has been an explosion in the number of vegetable seed varieties in the recent past following a surge in demand for vegetables.

According to Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, the current per capita daily requirement of vegetables is at 300 gram while availability is at 227 gram.

The Maharashtra agriculture department, which instituted a screening committee for permitting new varieties, has denied permission to about half of the varieties. Seed companies need licences from state governments to sell seeds in respective states.

"Sometimes, the yields of the varieties presented by seed companies are less than those of the varieties of agricultural universities. Sometimes, our breeders have questions about the trials and the results of the trials. We also found that companies present 3-4 different varieties with similar yields or characteristics, which we think may confuse the farmers," said Maharashtra agricultural commissioner Umakant Dangat.

Raju Kapur, executive director, National Seed Association of India, concurred: "A harmonisation of seed registration processes being followed across states, for approval of sale in the state, will hasten the availability of good seeds to farmers and help the industry provide newer seeds in time."

At least one variety of almost all the leading seed companies has been rejected till now in Maharashtra. Though the agriculture department did not name the five companies having the highest rejections, officials confirmed that seeds of Ganga Kaveri, Nuziveedu, Kaveri Seeds, Monsanto Holdings, Sriram Bio Seeds, Advanta, Mahyco, Rasi, Ankur and Krishidhan have been denied permission to sell.

A Mahyco spokesperson said in a reply to an emailed query: "We, Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Company Limited, would like to state that we have complied with all the requirements from the state agricultural department and all our vegetable hybrid seeds have been approved by them during 2011."

There was no response from Krishidhan Seeds despite attempts to contact them. The company has presented 112 varieties for approval in about 24 months.

Farmer organisations have different views on the issue. "Seed companies charge exorbitant prices for seeds. Tomato seed from a leading seed company is sold for Rs 75,000/kg. When we pay so much, it is our right to get quality seed," said Shriram Gadhave, president, All India Vegetable Growers' Association.


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