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Biodiesel dioxin

Posted by Flora Sawita

Recent and upcoming EPA regulatory developments will affect power plants and ...
Lexology (registration) - James W. Rubin - ‎Apr 4, 2011‎
Emissions of organic toxics such as dioxin would be subject to work practice standards. At the same time, EPA is proposing new source performance standards (see below) for particulates, sulfur dioxide ("SO2") and nitrogen oxides ("NOx") from power ...
TITEL: Essen mit gutem Gewissen
FOCUS Online - ‎Apr 4, 2011‎
Wären da nicht die zahlreichen Skandale um BSE, Gammelfleisch – und zu Beginn des Jahres auch noch um Dioxin. Das Gift gelangte von der Biodiesel-Produktion ins Tierfutter und schließlich auf Schweine- und Hühnerhöfe. Experten mochten noch so oft ...
New EU-funded food safety project launched
Cordis News - ‎Mar 24, 2011‎
The launch of this project comes in the wake of two recent dioxin crises in Europe, both of which were linked to dioxin contamination of animal feed and the inability to detect such contaminations for weeks or even months after they occurred. ...
Koch's web of influence
Center for Public Integrity - John Aloysius Farrell - ‎Apr 6, 2011‎
Credit: Larry W. Smith/Associated Press At an EPA hearing last summer, representatives from Koch Industries argued that moderate levels of the toxic chemical dioxin should not be designated as a cancer risk for humans. The Center for Public Integrity ...


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