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Biodiesel digest

Posted by Flora Sawita

Band Arrested For Stealing Vegetable Oil- Nevermore's Sheppard Recovering From ... - ‎Mar 27, 2011‎
Here is the recap: The Day in Rock Digest for 03/24/11: OFF! was reportedly arrested in Arizona en route to SXSW for stealing used vegetable oil from a restaurant in order to power their biodiesel van. more Pete Townsend claims he wishes he'd never ...
Oil Industry Voices Its Side in Houston, We Have A Problem
Huffington Post (blog) - ‎Mar 25, 2011‎
The final section of the documentary is dedicated to "The New Wildcatters," showing off wind power, steam drilling, solar power, and even an algae biodiesel lab. Ultimately, Houston, We Have a Problem is an educational, upbeat examination into the ...
Lords approve Renewables Obligation (Amendment) Order 2011
DeHavilland (press release) (subscription) - Lord Marland - ‎Mar 24, 2011‎
We will open the RO to bioliquids partially derived from fossil fuel, such as biodiesel, given that it is eligible under the directive, providing those bioliquids can meet the sustainability criteria. However, ROCs will be awarded on the biomass ...
The Brew Barons: Masters of advanced fermentation, driving the redefinition of ...
IBTimes - ‎Mar 19, 2011‎
OPXBIO’s second product is biodiesel, which it is working on through a $6 million grant from the US DOE ARPA-E program. The company is partnered with the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) and Johnson Matthey to biologically produce biodiesel ...


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