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Halal Certification in Indonesia

Posted by Flora Sawita

Chairman of the Bureau of Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics Research of the Indonesian Ulama Council (LPPOM-MUI), Lukmanul Hakim, says that 63 percent of the products in Indonesia do not have a halal certificate. Lukmanul say, from 113 thousand products are registered, only 41 thousand products that have been labeled as halal. According to him, it shows there is no maximum protection for Indonesian consumers, especially Muslims. 

He added that many products are not labeled halal because voluntary principles adopted in the halal certification process. Therefore, he said, the MUI will strive for halal certification process is required.

In the survey MUI on community care for halal products in 2010, he said, revealed that 92 percent of people have the awareness to choose products that have been labeled as halal product. It is also balanced with open interest of more and more companies register their products for certification.

Lukmanul reveals, MUI will do the standardization of halal certification in Indonesia because currently there are 41 institutions that set the standard world halal halal status. Go to 41 halall institutions that have different standards to each other. While halal institution whose standards refer to LPPOM MUI reference only eight, namely the ASEAN countries, Canada, the United States, Britain, Netherlands, Belgium, Turkey, and Japan.

According to him, the difference between other halal standards exist in the procedure for determining halal. For example some countries consider the use of gelatin from pig is no longer classified as illegitimate, while in Indonesia is still considered illegitimate. Based on data LPPOM MUI, for 2010 there are 21,837 halal products that have been recorded. That number increased 100 percent from the previous year which amounted to 10,550 products.


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