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Lowongan Kerja Migas Production Technologist Specialis, Australiat

Posted by Flora Sawita Labels: ,

CSIRO Petroleum Resources, Perth

CSIRO Petroleum Resources has developed an I-Field program which comprise areas such as well design, reservoir description, monitoring technologies and optimization of production.
We currently have an opening for a

Production Technologist Specialist
Ref. No. 2008/1149
$86K - $101K plus Superannuation

whose primary responsibilities will include the management of technical activities relating to I-Field and Production Optimization areas. An important aspect of this position will be continuing the development of, and strengthening relationships with collaborative research centres (local and abroad) and with Industry.

The successful candidate will lead teams working on the development of projects within the scope of the Well and Subsea Technologies Research Group, placing importance on the promotion of the program activities and ensuring the adoption of results to generate the expected impact for Australia.

Key capabilities we are seeking include:

* A strong knowledge of Drilling, Completions, Production and Reservoir activities and equipment for the oil and gas industry;
* A broad knowledge of the global R&D activities in the oil and gas industry;
* Well developed interpersonal skills to enable effective communication with industry people and researchers;
* Research Methodology, knowledge of processes, techniques and experimental design in flow assurance problems.

For selection documentation and details on how to apply visit or call 1300 301 509.


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