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Protein on Any Budget! (Family of 4)

Posted by Flora Sawita

Our second example of Protein on Any Budget is for a Family of 4:

Meet the Smith Family!
The Smiths are a family of 4 from the South.
Net Annual Income: $42,003.78* 
(which is $3,500.32 per month)

Monthly Expenses: $2,520
Mortgage ($1,200); utilities ($270); car payment(s) ($300); 
insurance ($150); cell/cable/int/ect... ($300) ; gas ($300); school/sports ($120)

This leaves the Smiths with $860.32 leftover each month.  
(This is $215.08 a week for groceries.)

Weekly Protein Grocery List**:

Breakfast and Snacks
Yogurt (28 cups) ------------------ $20.00
Milk (2 gallons)    -------------------  $8.00
Eggs (2 large cartons)  ------------- $4.00
Almonds (2 large cans) -----------$14.00
Sunflower Seeds (6 bags) ---------$12.00

Peanut Butter  (2 jars)  ------------  $7.00
Bananas (12 medium sized)-------- $2.40
Wholemeal Bread (2 loaves) -----  $5.50
Baked Beans (4 cans) --------------  $5.00
Spinach (2 10 oz. bag)  ------------- $4.00
Canned Tuna (8 cans) ------------- $6.00

Cheddar Cheese (2 pound) ------- $9.00 
Broccoli (4 pounds) ----------------- $6.40
Porkchops (6lbs) ------------------- $27.00
Chicken Breast (6lbs) -------------- $21.00
Pasta (4 boxes) ----------------------   $4.00
Salmon Fillet (2 large) ------------- $22.00
Beef (5 lbs Sirloin Steak)  --------- $35.00

Total: $212.30 
($2.78 left over in budget!)

* Income information is based off of census data, but adjusted to regional and demographic parameters stated:
** Prices are rounded up from author's recent shopping receipts (dating from November 9, 2011 thru March 14, 2012), but they are not based on a specific store or grocer. All prices rounded up to simulate potential sales tax. 


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