The Right to Choose
Posted byHave you ever wondered if the food on your plate may be agenetically modified organism (GMO)? Maybe walked down the aisles in thegrocery store and wondered if your cart was full of genetically modified (GM) food? While animals may not be Genetically Engineered (GE) for the most part, themajority of American livestock are fed GE grains because the two most commongenetically engineered crops are corn and soybeans. According to Monica Eng, aTribune reporter, even Whole Foods Markets can’t help avoid stocking some oftheir shelves with products that contain GMOs because GM corn, soy, and othercrops have become such common ingredients found in processed foods.
It isreported by the Center for Food Safety that an estimated number of over 70percent of processed foods found on supermarket shelves contain GE ingredients.In addition, items such as soda, soup, crackers, and condiments all fall intothis GE category.
The soybean is an essential component for the proteinconsumers who are vegan or vegetarian. Food sources such as soybeans, soymilk,tofu, fermented bean paste, and other soy products are common proteinsubstitutes used for those who choose to not eat meat or drink dairy. Further,soy is often used in many processed foods and the majority of animal feed inAmerica. In other words soy is a large component for both the omnivores andvegetarians for protein sources. While omnivores may not be consuming as manysoy based products they are getting a large amount of protein from livestockthat was most likely fed GE grains.
We have the right to choose. formed a petition and is working to gain onemillion comments to submit this spring to the FDA on their campaign to requirelabeling on all GE foods. Interested? Check out this video below...
Eng, M. (2011, May 24). With No Labeling, Few Realize They Are Eating Genetically Modified Foods. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved from,0,5841902.story
Genetically Engineered Crops. (n.d.). Retrieved March 13, 2012, from Center For Food Safety website: engineered-food/crops/
Just Label It. (n.d.). Retrieved March 13, 2012, from Just Label It Campaign website:
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