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Food Safety

Posted by Flora Sawita Labels: ,

Food Safety | Food Technology | Food safety is a scientific discipline describing the handling, preparation and storage of food in order to prevent foodborne illness. This includes a number of routines that must be followed to avoid potentially serious health risks. Food can transmit disease from person to person, and as a growing medium for bacteria that can cause food poisoning. Debates on genetic food includes such topics as the impact of GM (genetically modified) foods on human health of future generations and genetic pollution of the environment, which can destroy the natural biological diversity. In developed countries there are standards for complex food preparation, while in less developed countries, the main problem is simply the availability of clean water in sufficient quantity, which is usually critical. In theory, food poisoning is 100% preventable.

Food Safety implies safe food handling from the moment it is grown, packaging, distribution and prepared to prevent foodborne illnesses. Food Safety is the responsibility of those who handle and prepare food for delivery to commercial customers and consumers who prepare and eat food at home.

Foodborne illness, or food poisoning, may be caused by bacteria that grow on food or by viruses that are spread because food is not cleaned, stored, or handled properly. These illnesses may cause minor.

symptoms or serious symptoms and even death in some people. Contaminated foods also can carry harmful parasites, toxins, chemicals, and physical contaminants. It is estimated that about 76 million people in the United States become ill from foodborne pathogens each year and that about 5,000 of these people die.

Food Safety purposes to avoid foods that are contaminated can help prevent illness, especially in certain people. Consumers can take simple steps to reduce the risk of foodborne illness in their homes. Government and the food and restaurant industries can work together to prevent foodborne illness from occurring in the American population.

Food safety is a matter that affects anyone who eats food. Whether or not a person consciously thinks about food safety before eating a meal, a host of other people have thought about the safety of that food, from farmers to scientists to company presidents to federal government officials and public health officials. Ensuring the safety of food is a shared responsibility among producers, industry, government, and consumers. Safe food is food that is free not only from toxins, pesticides, and chemical and physical contaminants, but also from microbiological pathogens such as bacteria, parasites, and viruses that can cause illness.

One of the many luxuries Americans enjoy is access to the food supply safer and more abundant in the world. This is due to many advances and improvements in food safety, sanitation, and crop production that reduce the potential food safety problems, such as food-borne diseases, pesticide contamination, or infectious diseases. There are many reasons why food safety has increased. First, medical advances have made it possible for people to live longer, creating an aging population more susceptible to disease. Secondly, the workforce in the food sector is more diverse and less educated. Barriers to learning, staff turnover and limited capacity for food preparation to create challenges for education. Third, the U.S. food supply has expanded worldwide, and many types of food from areas where food safety standards are less stringent than in the United States. Other concerns about food security because of terrorist threats, food irradiation and genetically modified foods.

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