Meat Consumption Pattern of Urban Domestic | Study
Posted by Labels: agriculture commodities, CIS, food sciences, Meat, studyMeat Consumption Pattern of Urban Domestic | Study | Food Sciences | Agriculture Commodities | Abstract: Animal products are an important part of the diet of urban households in different income classes. However, the concerns of consumers' receive little attention to design has a low profile issues such as lack of credibility and consumer advocacy or pressure groups. The situation is further complicated by the fact that studies on patterns of urban or rural meat consumption information.
The study used information on the cities in the metropolitan area of Nairobi consumer survey by the Institute Tegemeo with the Office of Statistics (CBS), the frame appears at the end of 2003. The survey data is complimented with slaughter numbers and prices of VSF-Suisse, and several slaughterhouses in Nairobi.
This study characterizes household meat consumption in Nairobi and compares per adult equivalent consumption across income quintiles. It further examines the factors influencing domestic consumption including meat prices, channels of acquisition and the traits of the household head for instance education, gender and age.
The results indicate that meat is consumed by a large proportion of the sample but essentially remains a luxury good whose consumption increases with increasing income.
Middle and high-income households consume significantly large amounts of beef, chicken and eggs within the home compared to low-income households. This phenomenon reveals that health concerns especially for red meat do not necessarily influence consumption levels for both low and high-income groups. However, the consumption of chicken and eggs by high-income and educated groups appear to be responding to health concerns. Chevron (goat meat) and mutton (sheep) are hardly consumed at home. Channels of acquisition influence price and ultimately consumption patterns especially for chicken and eggs where there exists some form of product
The above represents a potential to increase domestic meat, there are low-income groups, but only to take advantage of lower prices or higher incomes. While the government is focusing on the productivity of livestock on the rise, consumers 'concerns' should be duly taken into account.
Policies for livestock development must adapt to changing consumer behavior and deal with marketing systems that prevent the translation of the productivity gains in fuel economy. By: Paul Gamba [ Food Sciences, Agriculture Commodities ]
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