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biodiesel ebb

Posted by Flora Sawita

Making Money on Triple-Digit Oil - Kevin Cook - ‎May 26, 2011‎
Of course it will ebb and flow, especially if China is forced to put the brakes on growth. But the big picture supports the idea that triple-digit oil is here to stay. Whether or not peak oil is here yet -- especially as new discoveries are made and ...
Grains, Soy Called Lower as Dollar's Gain May Curb Demand
San Francisco Chronicle - ‎May 23, 2011‎
{NSN LLNH8X6VDKHX } -- Funds cut bets on rising prices for wheat, cocoa and other food commodities on easing supply concerns and bets that demand will ebb following rallies. {NSN LLN1AX0UQVI9 } -- Agricultural-commodity prices are expected to be ...
Transportation Fuel Independence would be Achieved by High-Efficiency Sugar ...
AZoCleantech - Y. -H. Percival Zhang - ‎May 4, 2011‎
Also, renewable carbohydrates (eg, cellulosic materials and starch) are less expensive based on energy content than are other hydrogen carriers, such as hydrocarbons, biodiesel, methanol, ethanol, and ammonia 1 . The use of a small fraction of low-cost
L'UE taxe le biodiesel nord-américain
Le Figaro - ‎May 11, 2011‎
Une enquête avait toutefois été ouverte l'an dernier à la suite d'une plainte de la Fédération des producteurs européens de biodiesel (EBB). Ces derniers accusaient leurs concurrents américains de contourner les taxes en faisant transiter leur ...


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