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Biodiesel eastern europe

Posted by Flora Sawita

Development Showcase: Champagne-Ardenne, France
Biofuels Digest - ‎May 21, 2011‎
Long known for champagne – and, accordingly, having a centuries-old interest in ethanol fermentation, the region is located close to the Paris area and to large economic markets of North Eastern Europe. The region is dominated by lakes, rivers, canals, ...
Push for yield as oil demand rises
Farmers Guardian - ‎May 20, 2011‎
... and biodiesel is still rising. “EU consumption of oilseed oil has more than doubled in the last 10 years,” said Ms Williams, adding there may be potential for additional production in countries such as Italy, northern Spain, and in Eastern Europe. ...
Codexis Becomes Target for Suitors Seeking Enzymes, Chief Executive Says
Bloomberg - Andrew Noel, Alex Morales - ‎May 20, 2011‎
Codexis is now in the process of securing a partner for this field, referred to as white biotechnology, as variants of the same molecules used in biodiesel and drugs can be applied to consumer goods like shampoo, replacing traditional chemicals, ...
Codexis Becomes Target for Suitor Seeking Enzymes, CEO Says
San Francisco Chronicle - ‎May 20, 2011‎
Codexis is now in the process of securing a partner for this field, referred to as white biotechnology, as variants of the same molecules used in biodiesel and drugs can be applied to consumer goods like shampoo, replacing traditional chemicals, ...
Cities setting standards in eco-innovation - Curitiba, Brazil
Environmental Expert (press release) - ‎May 5, 2011‎
Three-quarters of its buses now run on biodiesel, routes have been changed for greater efficiency, and bus use has increased by 8%. A 4-km2 area in the city centre has been turned into a car-free zone and a new traffic control centre provides real-time ...
The ethanol hunger
Khaleej Times - Wallace E. Tyner - ‎May 7, 2011‎
The bottom line is that there is huge potential to increase production in many parts of Eastern Europe, Africa, and South America. To the extent that higher commodity prices benefit farmers in these regions, they will respond by increasing their ...


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