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Think again!

Posted by Flora Sawita

Fireworks have a lot of negative effects. Some fireworks are legal and some are illegal. It is important to know these things if you are going to let off fireworks. Please read all of the important information because you can save a person’s life or help a person from getting injured. You can also help our environment. The next four sentences deals with illegal fireworks and their protocol.
• Cherry bombs, M-80s, M-100s, and silver salutes are all illegal explosives in all states
• Any firecrackers containing more than 50 milligrams (about 1/6th the weight of a typical aspirin tablet) of powder are illegal to use in any state.
• To identify LEGAL FIREWORKS, look for a manufacturer's name on each item or on the box in which they were packaged.
• If you suspect anyone selling or using illegal fireworks, you can call 1-888-ATF-BOMB to report it
The following website can help you determine what fireworks are illegal in your state:

If you live in Oregon and must let off fireworks please read the following information From the Oregon State Fire Marshal:
Legal fireworks produce only smoke, sparks or fire. Examples are base fountains, cone fountains, wheels and ground bloom flowers.
Illegal fireworks explode, eject balls of fire, fly into the air or travel more than six feet on the ground or 12 inches into the air. Examples are missile rockets, aerial spinners, mortars, bottle rockets, firecrackers and roman candles. M80s, M100s and cherry bombs are considered explosive devices (not fireworks) and are illegal as well.
Also, be aware that fireworks are prohibited on all beaches and at all state parks in Oregon

This is a video from the Portland Fire Bureau in Oregon:

Did you know that fireworks are dangerous to not only the people lighting them but, the people watching them. Fireworks can cause temporary or permanent hearing loss, reduced or lost vision, high blood pressure, heart attacks and, respiratory problems like asthma or bronchitis. There is also toxins that are released when they are lit that can cause cancer. Not to mention that there is 1000 t of waste annually.

Fireworks can affect our environment worldwide. The main ingredient in fireworks is gunpowder and mixed with other ingredient gives off a reaction that is generally solid. These solids consist of metal oxides and occasionally chlorides. This mixture is what pollutes the air. Fireworks also contribute to water supply contamination and even acid rain. Our pets and the people that fight for our country in the military are also affected. So the big question. Do we really need fireworks? Think again?


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