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Some Country Get Heavy Hunger

Posted by Flora Sawita

Poverty, conflict and political instability led to a billion people suffer from hunger this year, mostly affecting children in Africa and Asia, according to the Global Hunger Index report. "Of the 122 countries listed in the annual report, 25 countries of which have an alarming level of hunger in Africa and four countries are at alarming levels," said the report by the International Food Policy Research Institute (International Food Policy Research Institute / IFPRI), Concern Worldwide, and Welthungerhilte.
Democratic Republic of the Congo is considered as the worst famine in the index, based on data from 2003-2008. Three-fourths of the population in the central African country that is widely suffering from malnutrition and the Congo is also one of the countries with highest child mortality rates in the world, according to the findings of the researchers who compiled the index. The three factors used to calculate the Global Hunger Index (GHI), which is the number of undernourished people in a country, under the weight of children on average, and child mortality rates. "The civil war that dragged on since the late 1990s has led to economic collapse, massive displacement, food insecurity and chronic conditions in Congo," the report said. "The level of food availability and access to deteriorate with declining food production, and remote areas become more isolated as a result of very poor infrastructure," he said.
The index is considered that many countries with 100-point scale, with zero represents the best value-no-starvation and 100 as the worst value, although in practice no country is assessed as the best or worst. Countries that have a value of more than 20 points considered alarming levels of hunger and above the 30 points assessed hunger is very worrying.
Three other countries with very high levels of hunger are Burundi, Eritrea, and Chad. All are involved in the conflict heats up or open over the years. Except for Haiti and Yemen, all 25 countries with alarming levels of hunger in the area of sub-Saharan Africa or Asia.
State ranked worst famine are Nepal, Tanzania, Cambodia, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Burkina Faso, Togo, Guinea-Bissau, Djibouti, Mozambique, India, Bangladesh, Liberia, Zambia, Timor Leste, Niger, Angola, Yemen, Central African Republic , Madagascar, Comoros, Haiti, Sierra Leone, and Ethiopia.
Together with Burundi, DRC and Eritrea, Comoros, an archipelago off the east coast of the coup-prone Africa and Haiti occupies the malnutrition rate is more than 50 percent of the population. In Bangladesh, India, Timor Leste, and Yemen were more than 40 percent of children aged under five years underweight. Afghanistan, Angola, Chad, and Somalia has the highest child mortality rates, with more than 20 percent of children die before reaching age five. North Korea is one of nine countries in hunger index value increased, from 16.2 points in 1990 to 19.4 points in 2010. Eight other countries are all located in sub-Saharan Africa region, in addition to the Gambia, Swaziland, and Zimbabwe-conflict is a cause of famine in the region.

We must find the solution of this problem. Farm and other sector that related to food providing must  take their role to solve this problem.


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