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Posted by Flora Sawita

EPA agrees with BP on the massive use of toxic oil dispersants? Once again, the Government is in bed with “Big Corporations”. This is outrageous. I can’t believe that the very agency entrusted to protect us and the environment from pollution, is “OK” with BP dumping over a million gallons of untested chemicals into the gulf. This is EPA’s mission statement which is laughable, The mission of EPA is to protect human health and to safeguard the natural environment -- air, water and land -- upon which life depends. Corexit the oil dispersant chemical used by BP to break up oil along the Gulf, contains dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate, a detergent chemical that is also found in laxatives. How is this not toxic to fish and other life within the waters? The testing that has been done, don’t show long-term effects. Corexit breaks down the oil into very small droplets so that it doesn’t clump up and wash to shore. This may save the shore line and larger mammals such as birds getting soaked in oil. However, fish and other animals that live in the water will eventually breath and swallow this chemical along with the small droplets of oil. How is this helping? BP has just created yet another problem, both financially and environmentally.

Check this video out:

Posted by Hyun Yu


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