Posted byMaybe this is experienced by many children under the age of 7 years, which is difficult to eat or eat a little enthusiasm, because at this age a child would rather play than eat, even children can forget the time when you're busy playing. I also experienced this, what my mom did? he gave me fishoil. When I asked why I had to drink it, she said let's appetite increases (my body was still thin).
Fish oil It was shown to increase appetite, after I drank my dinner again increased morale, and sometimes eat up to 4 times. After 2 to three months are always the desire to eat will come back again, that's when we drink fishoil back. So drink fishoil not just once but it takes some time until we wake up your appetite.
Fish oil but can also be used for adults, to increase the desire to eat more and also keep the body's metabolism. If you've eaten too much, instead of our parents are anxious .... Understandably eat increases ... inventory should also be added.
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