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Amezcua Bio Disc

Posted by Flora Sawita

Amezcua Bio Disc
Water Re-Defined

The Amezcua Bio Disc is made of technically engineered natural minerals which have been structurally bonded in glass, at molecular level, using high heat fusion methods. Through this combination of minerals and fusion techniques, a positive energy field is created.

The Amezcua Bio Disc has been evaluated by various institutions and is known to reduce water surface tension value. This in turn makes water more hydratious and improves the transfer of nutrients in and out of the body cells. Water treated with the Amezcua Bio Disc also produces beautiful and good water crystals, an indication of water with high energy levels and good quality.

Various test results also reveal that the Amezcua Bio Disc can increase the energy and harmony levels in users who use the disc or drink water treated with it.

Key Benefits
Feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Drink water treated with the Amezcua Bio Disc to increase your harmony and energy levels.
It facilitates transfer of nutrients in and out of the body.

Suggested Applications
Instantly enhance your beverages by running them over the Amezcua Bio Disc.
Place your containers of creams and cosmetics on top of the Amezcua Bio Disc to energise them. You will notice an improved absorption rate.
Water your plants with water treated with the Amezcua Bio Disc.
Put the Amezcua Bio Disc in your refrigerator to boost the quality and taste of your food and beverages.
Wash your fruits and vegetables with the Amezcua Bio Disc to energise them and keep them fresh longer.
Carry the Amezcua Bio Disc with you to improve your harmony and energy levels.
Place your beverages and bottles on top of the Amezcua Bio Disc.

Description: Round Clear Glass
Diameter: 90 mm
Thickness: 10 mm
Weight: 130 grams

Care Instructions for the Amezcua Bio Disc

The Amezcua Bio Disc is made of glass and is fragile and breakable. Exposing the Amezcua Bio Disc to extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, may cause it to crack or break. Do not place the Amezcua Bio Disc in the freezer compartment of your refrigerator.


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