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Cambridge University have developed a new continuous process for converting waste food processing oil into bio-diesel fuel.

Posted by Flora Sawita

Researchers at the Chemical Engineering Department at Cambridge University have developed a new continuous process for converting waste food processing oil into bio-diesel fuel. Bio-diesel is an environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuel and it may be used in any conventional, unmodified diesel engine. The basic chemistry of bio-diesel production has been known for some time but it is normally carried out as a batch process.

By applying the Oscillatory Flow Mixing (OFM) technology developed at Cambridge it has been possible to design a continuous production plant. OFM technology is used not only in the esterification reaction but also in the washing and purification stages that are vital to produce a product that can be used in modern engines.

A pilot plant is now fully operational which can produce about 3 litres per hour of high quality diesel fuel with a flash point well in excess of 100o C and a Cetane number of about 53. The pilot plant can be used to test a wide variety of feed stocks and has recently been used for fresh rape seed oil, waste oil from a doughnut cooking operation and another waste food processing oil.

Sufficient information has been obtained form the pilot plant to enable the design of commercial scale plants.

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