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RSPO claims strong sustainable palm oil growth in 2011

Posted by Flora Sawita
 Date:  March 05, 2012

The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) has reported what it calls unprecedented growth for Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO) last year. In its inaugural annual quantities review, RSPO reported that the year-on-year supply of CSPO in 2011 increased by 73 percent, reaching 4,798,512 metric tons compared to 2,773,567 metric tons in 2010, while year-on-year sales volume increased 94 percent.
The association, which brings together buys and sellers, says its “2011 RSPO CSPO Growth Interpretation Narrative” (2011 GIN is the first of its kind for a sustainable commodity.

The numbers certainly appear to contradict complaints made within certain circles of the palm oil industry in Malaysia and Indonesia that CSPO sales of RSPO-certified palm oil have been well below expectations.
The report show a strong upward trend in the supply and sale of sustainable palm oil, since the certification of the commodity was first launched by the RSPO in 2008. From 2009 to 2011 supply of CSPO has increased by 250 percent (1,357,511 metric tons in 2009 to 4,798,512 metric tons in 2011) while sales volume has grown more than six-fold, from 343,857 metric tons in 2009 to 2,490,526 metric tons in 2011.
RSPO says the surge in supply can be attributed to the rising number of oil plam growers entering into its certification process. In 2008, RSPO could count 17 certified mills in just two countries (Malaysia and Papua New Guinea), today there are 29 grower companies with 135 certified mills in six countries: Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands – an increase in certified mills of approximately 800 percent over three years.

“The growth of CSPO has shown an escalating trend and clearly reflects the inclination of sustainability standards towards palm oil,” said RSPO secretary general Darrel Webber.
RSPO membership has also been rapidly expanding in the past year. Membership of consumer goods manufacturer increased more than 60 percent while the retailers category increased by 50 percent - both primarily from the European regions which is an affirmative step in accelerating demand of CSPO. The processors & traders category also intensified by over 30 percent strengthening commitment along the palm oil supply chain, another integral development in transforming the market.


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