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Advantages of Nuclear power:

Posted by Flora Sawita

Advantages of Nuclear power:
Power from nuclear energy can prevent many of the environmental consequences arising out of the use of fossil fuels. Below we discuss advantages of nuclear power vis-a-vis other energy options, especially fossil fuel.
1. One of the greatest advantages of nuclear power is that it avoids the wide variety of environmental problems arising from burning fossil fuels - coal, oil, and gas. Nuclear energy does not produce smoke or carbon dioxide, so it does not contribute to the greenhouse effect. Thus ‘global warming’ process can be minimized - changing the earth's climate, acid rain, which is destroying forests and killing fish; air pollution etc. It checks degrading our quality of life; i.e., the destructive effects of massive mining for coal; and oil spills which do great harm to ecological systems can be prevented.
2. It is possible to generate a high amount of electrical energy in one single plant using small amount of fuel.
3. Nuclear power is reliable. This technology is readily available; it does not have to be developed first.
4. Produces small amounts of waste. The disposal of radio-active waste which nuclear power plant generates, can be effectively organized as our technology is improving at a fast pace. Moreover, the quality of radio-active waste improved if we go for reprocessing of spent fuel.
5. Nuclear power is also not so expensive as compare to power from coal. Reprocessing and reuse of plutonium from spent fuel makes it even cheaper than coal based power plant. The concern about proliferation should be taken out of mind as there are much easier, faster, and cheaper ways for a nation to develop nuclear weapons than through a nuclear power programme.


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