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RTRS-Argentine grains truck owners vow strike in March

Posted by Flora Sawita Labels:

BUENOS AIRES, Feb 24 (Reuters) - Owners of Argentine grain trucks vowed on Friday to strike starting March 19 to demand higher transport rates, a protest that could disrupt hauling during early corn and soy harvesting.

Argentina is one of the world's top exporters of corn, soybeans and soy products, most of which are moved to port by truck. Strike threats are common at this time of year as labor unions seek annual wage hikes.

The FETRA group of trucking companies went on strike in October to demand a guaranteed minimum hauling tariff, which the government agreed to ensure nationwide.

But truck owners say this has not happened.

"The agreement we reached ... for a national tariff is not being carried out. The situation is getting worse and worse and that means we'll be forced to strike, unfortunately," said Pablo Agolanti, Fetra's vice president.

The group also seeks to reach a deal with the government to revamp its fleet of trucks and have safer, healthier conditions at Argentine ports, where drivers often wait for days to unload their cargo.

High inflation, estimated by private economists at between 20 percent and 25 percent annually, has made wage and tariff negotiations increasingly tough in recent years.

Argentine farmers began gathering the 2011/12 corn crop, which the government estimates at between 20.5 million and 22 million tonnes. In the coming weeks they will start harvesting a soy crop which is forecast at 43.5 million to 45.0 million tonnes.


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