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Posted by Flora Sawita Labels: ,


Food | Noodle | Noodle is a type of food, which formed into long narrow, ribbonlike strip, curly-cues, waves, helices, pipes, tubes, strings, or other various shapes, sometimes folded, of dried dough, usually made of flour, eggs, and water. Noodle is a type of pasta made with flour and water, sometimes with added egg, the flour being made from various grains such as rice, wheat, buckwheat, and mung bean starch. Made into a wide range of shapes and sizes. Noodles are usually cooked in a mixture of boiling water and/or oil. Depending upon the type, noodles may be dried or refrigerated before cooking. The word derives from the German Nudel (noodle).

The mainDifference betweenNoodles and macaroni or spaghetti is that, in addition to flour and water, noodles contain eggs or eggYolks. Noodlescan be cut into flat, thick or thin strips of various lengths, as well as into squares. Awide variety ofNoodles is available in markets, including those enriched with vitamins and minerals, and colored noodles (red tinted with tomato paste or beet juice and green with spinach). Noodles are sold fresh (these should be refrigerated for no more than 3 days) and dried (best stored in a cool, dry place for no more than 6 months).


Nutrition Facts of Noodle:

Description Quantity Energy
Saturated Fat
chow mein, canned 1 cup 220 26 6 5 45 11 2.1
egg, cooked 1 cup 200 37 7 50 160 2 0.5


Archaeologists found a pot containing the world's oldest known NOODLES in 2002, dating back 4000 years to the archaeological site of Qijia Lajia culture along the Yellow River in China. The noodles were well preserved. After an investigation with the parties of the paste is in 2004, scientists determined the noodles were made from millet and foxtail millet. The results were published in October 2005 by Houyuan Lu et al. in the journal Nature. The first written record of noodles is from a book dating from the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220). Noodles, often made of wheat dough, food has become a major base of the Han dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD).



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