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Complete Front Garden Design ideas

Posted by Flora Sawita Labels: ,

The most important aspect of gardening includes the front garden design, which speaks a lot about the look and feel of your home and its surrounding. The front garden designs and plans need a lot of care and your attention. If you can plan the things well then your dull appearing house and front yard may get a complete facelift very soon and it will look very attractive to everyone. The garden was a challenge of
engineering, as it sloped in two opposing directions, a bit like an Escher painting, but for real. The clients wanted something clear, simple, attractive and easy to maintain. Wecame up with the pattern of soothing grey sandstonesetts, enclosing some geometric beds planted with striking accent plants, needing very little attention to keep them looking good. The garden is right next to the entrance to a popular allotment site and has attracted dozens of compliments from highly seasoned gardeners - praise indeed. And the clients are very happy with it too! The designing of your front garden is not so easy, but if you can take some amount of pain, then it will work wonders.
First start with a concrete front garden design plan because once you start the work on it, you also need to maintain it, else it would go out of your control. You can use rock and some drought tolerant plants and bushes to start with because they can survive even in lack of water sometime. A slope way or stairs at the entrance of the house may create some problem, so change and plan things accordingly for your landscape design.  

Then the most important aspect in the front garden design is the amount of space that you have at your disposal. You can make a rough sketch of your front garden and see where things can fit in. The main entrance to your house should be a very pleasant one; else there is no point in spending time on front garden design ideas. Wet grass should be avoided as much as possible near the entrance. You can place some matching pots with evergreen plants and shrubs so that they attract the attention of the guests all the time.

Apart from anything else you need to take care and maintain your garden a lot. Regular watering of the plants and shrubs, draining away the extra water which might have logged, will be in the best interest your garden. With changing seasons you can consider using different flower combinations to go forward with. In spring you can choose tulips, crocus etc. Try to avoid plants with thorns and pollen as some people have allergy towards them. So by checking all this you can get a best front garden design for yourself.


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