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Loading Ramp

Posted by Flora Sawita Labels:

Loading Ramp is a temporary dump and removal lorries TBS into stew. TBS was poured on each bulkhead set of doors to another door with stuffing according to the capacity.
Charging should not be too full because the filling is too full can lead to:
- The door and the retaining plate bent TBS.
- TBS and berondolan can fall down.
- Difficulty to lower FFB into the lorry.
The things mentioned above can lead to production losses (add to losses, increased FFA) and increased hours of factory work.
In the oil palm plant usually has 2 Loading Ramp consists of two lines (A and B) where his every line with a capacity of 220 tons of FFB or 22 doors with a capacity of ± 10 tons FFB / door using a hydraulic-type system Vertical Sliding Gate ramp with a slope of 26 o .
Floor loading ramp is made of iron composition profile "T" are respectively arranged within 10 mm which aims to form a lattice so that a smooth dirt carried TBS did not enter further into the lorry and debris will fall to the floor under the ramp and then garbage will be collected and disposed out of the factory.


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