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Biodiesel feedstock comparison

Posted by Flora Sawita

EU rules on biofuel concern soybean growers
Zanesville Times Recorder - Philip Brasher - ‎Jun 2, 2011‎
Biofuel feedstocks are required to reduce greenhouse emissions by 35 percent in comparison to petroleum, but soybeans are credited with only a 31 percent reduction regardless of where they are grown. European-produced rapeseed, or canola, ...
Vilsack: Ethanol subsidy helps rural areas - Philip Brasher - ‎May 15, 2011‎
But economists say the ethanol and biodiesel industries are fundamentally different: Biodiesel simply can't be made economically from its most plentiful feedstock, soybean oil, without the subsidy. Ethanol production exceeds the usage mandates and ...
Renewables could meet 80% of global energy demand
REVE - Zoë Casey - ‎May 17, 2011‎
Examples of important areas of potential technological advancement include: new and improved feedstock production and supply systems, biofuels produced via new processes (also called next-generation or advanced biofuels, eg, lignocellulosic) and ...
Potential of Renewable Energy Outlined in Report by the Intergovernmental ... (press release) - ‎May 13, 2011‎
The annual productionof ethanol increased to 1.6 Exajoules (76 billion litres) and biodiesel by 0.6 Exajoules (17 billion litres) by the end of 2009. Meanwhile developing countries host more than 50 percent of current global renewable energy capacity. ...
Land use claims against biofuel industry fall flat
Western Farm Press - ‎May 17, 2011‎
ILUC is the theory that any acre used in the production of feedstocks for biofuels in the US necessarily results in a new acres coming into food or feed production somewhere else in the world. “Biofuel production in the United States up through the end ...
Why You Need to Pay Attention To Bio Natural Gas (blog) - Dallas Kachan - ‎May 10, 2011‎
Additionally, an opportunity exists for BNG to serve as a drop-in biofuel that can leverage new and existing natural gas and power generation infrastructure, while using renewable biomass feedstocks with little destructive exploration that satisfies ...


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