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Biodiesel european union

Posted by Flora Sawita

EU Slaps US Biodiesel With Duties Retroactive to August, 2010
UkrAgroConsult - ‎May 10, 2011‎
EBB welcomes the recent announcement1 confirming the adoption by EU Member States of Regulations preventing the circumvention of the anti-dumping and countervailing duties on US biodiesel in place since 2009. This decision successfully concludes an ...
Biodiesel anti-dumping measures extended to Canadian shipments
EU rules on biofuel concern soybean growers
Truth about Trade & Technology - Philip Brasher - ‎Jun 2, 2011‎
For now, there's still a market for the oil as biodiesel. Germany, which does much of the soybean processing in Europe, implemented the biofuel standards earlier this year, but other EU countries haven't yet, so they can still use the oil for biodiesel ...
EU rules on biofuel concern soybean growers - Philip Brasher - ‎May 29, 2011‎
For now, there's still a market for the oil as biodiesel. Germany, which does much of the soybean processing in Europe, implemented the biofuel standards earlier this year, but other EU countries haven't yet, so they can still use the oil for biodiesel ...
Palm Oil Biodiesel Goes on Sale in Malaysia
Environment News Service - ‎13 hours ago‎
Palm oil biofuel is coming soon to the European Union. European Heads of State agreed in March 2007 that by 2020, ten percent of transport fuels in Europe should consist of plant-based agrofuels like palm oil. In May, ministers from Malaysia and ...


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