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Biodiesel europe

Posted by Flora Sawita

U.S. wheat rises for second day; corn, soy steady
Reuters - Naveen Thukral, Ed Lane - ‎‎May 29, 2011‎
Soybean prices have firmed as planting delays in the US Midwest pushed the market higher amid strong demand from the biodiesel sector. The US Census Bureau said Thursday that biodiesel producers consumed an estimated 216.8 million lbs of soyoil in ...
EU rules on biofuel concern soybean growers - Philip Brasher - ‎May 29, 2011‎
The US soybeans are crushed for livestock feed in Europe, and then the oil has typically been used to make biodiesel, which is more popular than ethanol in Europe. Using the soybean oil for food isn't an option because of European objections to biotech ...
Biofuels boom in Africa as British firms lead rush on land for plantations
The Guardian - ‎May 31, 2011‎
... it grows Jatropha curcas, a non-edible plant whose oil-rich seeds can be processed into biodiesel. "We'll start harvesting and producing in two years," said Peter Auge, office manager in Tanzania. "The main attraction for us is exporting to Europe. ... .
GRAINS-Markets up 1 pct as poor weather hits crop output
Forexyard - Karl Plume - ‎17 hours ago‎
Soybeans drew further support from a report showing increased use of soybean oil for biodiesel, he added. The US Census Bureau said Thursday that biodiesel producers consumed an estimated 216.8 million lbs of soyoil in April, up 23 percent from March. ...
Biofuel industry wants more government consistency - John Hill - ‎May 19, 2011‎
There's a lot of talk in Europe right now about reduced greenhouse gas emissions and the push for more environmentally-friendly fuel sources. So why is a major biofuel plant on Teesside closing for around four months, ...


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