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Biodiesel ethanol investing

Posted by Flora Sawita

What High Gas Prices Mean for Renewable Energy - Jennifer Kho - ‎May 31, 2011‎
And, unlike in 2008, investment in advanced biofuels, such as algae-based biodiesel or cellulosic ethanol, hasn't seen a big jump either. Those second-generation fuels could deliver more environmental benefits than corn-based ethanol or soybean-based ...
Biofuels About to Take Off - Just Not Yet - John Daly - ‎Jun 1, 2011‎
US production to ramp up camelina derivatives is constrained by a lack of subsidies, crop insurance and record-high commodity prices for such alterrnatives as ethanol's major feedstock, corn. But camelina's future as a civilian aircraft biofuel has ...
If Biofuels Are the Future, Where Is the Investment?
Biofuel industry wants more government consistency - John Hill - ‎May 19, 2011‎
That was a significant opportunity for investment in renewable energy and biofuel. “However, within a few months of this being brought in, the UK government ordered a review that became known as the Gallagher review. The biocomponent level was ...
Bunge investing $350 mln more in Brazil cane -rpt
Reuters Africa - Peter Murphy - ‎May 27, 2011‎
Bunge has stepped up its presence in Brazil's huge cane sector in the last few years, including through acquisitions, and now has seven mills producing sugar and ethanol biofuel which Brazil's millions of flex-fuel cars burn. ...


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