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Biodiesel ethanol difference

Posted by Flora Sawita

Vilsack: Ethanol subsidy helps rural areas - Philip Brasher - ‎May 15, 2011‎
But economists say the ethanol and biodiesel industries are fundamentally different: Biodiesel simply can't be made economically from its most plentiful feedstock, soybean oil, without the subsidy. Ethanol production exceeds the usage mandates and ...
Bootup: Montreal biomass firm gets $59-million in funding to fuel expansion
Financial Post - Jameson Berkow - ‎22 hours ago‎
One final step in the refinement process converts the methanol to ethanol, which can be burned as gasoline. The difference with Enerkem is the company is actually paid to remove the waste it uses as fuel similar to Waste Management, so the cost to ...
Ethanol's backers seize moment on gas prices
Bloomington Pantagraph - ‎May 26, 2011‎
The plant, which can produce about 100 million gallons of ethanol a year, sends most of its fuel by rail to the East Coast, some of it for E10. People should pay more attention to the ethanol effect, Kelly said. He noted the price difference between ...
Branstad hits the road to sell policy proposals
Mason City Globe Gazette - ‎May 31, 2011‎
Despite talk that subsidies for corn-based ethanol will be phased out, Branstad believes one of the most promising opportunities for Iowa is in the bio-sciences. He sees "great promise" for Iowa's bio-fuels industry. ..


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