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Biodiesel disadvantages and advantages

Posted by Flora Sawita

Won't Innovation, Substitution, And Efficiency Keep Us Growing? - Richard Heinberg - ‎Mar 23, 2011‎
In fact, electric cars have advantages as well as disadvantages when compared to fuel-burning cars. The main advantages of electrics are that their energy is used more efficiently (electric motors translate nearly all their energy into motive force, ...
Revision of the Energy Taxation Directive – Questions and Answers
IEWY News - ‎Apr 13, 2011‎
Renewables face particular discrimination under the current Energy Taxation Directive, because they are taxed at the same rate as the energy source they are intended to replace (eg biodiesel is taxed the same as diesel etc). ...
Bay Area businesses nudged to move forward with green transportation (blog) - ‎Apr 7, 2011‎
The three types of alternative fuel vehicles -- electric, natural gas and biodiesel fuel -- each have their advantages and disadvantages, but businesses can expect environmental and economic benefits if they make the right choice based on distance and ...


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