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Biodiesel diesel comparison

Posted by Flora Sawita

Gov't agencies project even higher prices for diesel, soy oil
Biodiesel Magazine - Erin Voegele - ‎Apr 6, 2011‎
In comparison, the price of soybean oil in marking year 2009-'10 was reported by the service to be 35.95 cents per pound. “[In March], domestic use of soybean for methyl esters in 2010-'11 was forecast down 200 million pounds to 2.7 billion, ...
Algae biodiesel production impractical: study
FIS - ‎Apr 13, 2011‎
Under the most optimistic conditions, the amount of algae diesel produced per day paled in comparison to the ideal quantities of 200-500g per sqm of open pond per day because not enough sunlight comes through the atmosphere to support these figures, ...
Reality Check: Benefits of Biodiesel and the 2% Renewable Fuels Standard (press release) - ‎Apr 9, 2011‎
... the average price increase for the biodiesel blend over the 25-year period would be about one third of a cent per litre, an amount likely to be unnoticeable in comparison with the usual day-to-day price fluctuations experienced in the diesel fuel. ...
Morning Must Reads: Commission
TIME (blog) - Adam Sorensen - ‎Apr 12, 2011‎
Biodiesel is one of many alternative fuel options that has the potential to help reduce oil dependence and global warming pollution. But done wrong, biodiesel can actually increase global warming pollution and cause other environmental problems, ...


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