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JOURNAL: Striving For “Best Practices” Through Improved Efficiencies With Sulfuryl Fluoride

Posted by Flora Sawita Labels: , , , ,

ABSTRACT: The food processing industry faces new challenges as a long-time pest management commodity fumigant favorite, methyl bromide (MB), is phased out. Many of the wide variety of MB uses have already been replaced with alternative pest management trategies, while many others continue unchanged. Among alternative strategies to MB are a limited number of other fumigants, one being sulfuryl fluoride, developed by Dow AgroSciences.

Ongoing field trials are conducted to improve the efficiency of fumigation through improvements in gas introduction and structure sealing techniques. Four years of research fumigations of empty food processing plants, have shown that relatively simple enhancements in gas introduction procedures and structure sealing techniques can result in considerable improvements in shortening gas introduction times and lengthening gas retention times. This results in an increase in fumigant efficiency through equal to better insect pest efficacy using less fumigant. In case studies of monitored sulfuryl fluoride fumigations of empty food processing plants, with efforts to achieve "Best Fumigation Practices", results have demonstrated the following improvements in gas efficiency: (a) >50% reduction in gas introduction times; (b) 1.5- to 8-fold increase in gas retention; (c) >70% decrease in variation of gas retention across structures; (d) nearly 80% decrease in variation of gas concentrations across structures, and; (e) accumulation of 44-66% greater Ct dosages with 27-36% less fumigant. These kinds of fumigation improvements are critical to the continued viability of fumigation as a tool in stored-product pest management programs of the future.

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