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Save a Tree/ Pull Ivy

Posted by Flora Sawita

No Ivy Day 2010 Saturday, October 9

English ivy is a woody, climbing vine that has been used extensively in the Pacific NW. Research has shown the problem ivies to be Hedera hibernica, Hedera helix 'Baltica', 'Pitttsburgh' and 'Star'. The ivy basically strangles the trees and suffocates them, ultimately causing soil erosion when the trees fall or die.

Why is English ivy a problem?

English ivy is not native to the United States and has no natural predators or pests to keep it in check. It easily escapes from planting areas and invades natural areas, parks and urban forests. It creates "Ivy Deserts" - areas so dominated by ivy that no other vegetation survives. Ivy affects trees negatively, especially when it climbs into the canopy. By adding weight to limbs and reducing air flow around the tree's trunk, ivy makes a tree more susceptible to canopy failure, wind stress and disease. It can also strangle trees around their base and reduce the flow of nutrients up and down the tree.

English ivy does not provide a significant food for native wildlife, but does provide habitat for rats.

What can you do?

Do not plant ivy. Remove ivy, especially from vertical surfaces where it seeds and is spread further by birds. Remove ivy from your yard. Join community out-reach and volunteer-based removal work parties.

Be active!

Take part in No Ivy Day 2010 work day, on Saturday October 9th. Mark your calendars now!

Traditionally, this event has been held on the first Saturday in May. It is often a day of great weather but it is after the native plants have bloomed for the spring, which makes it hard for volunteers to avoid them as we move through the forest. This year, the No Ivy League is moving the date of this event into the fall as a response to feedback we have received about the ecological sustainability of ivy removal in spring. Holding the event in the fall will allow us to remove the hated English Ivy with less damage to native vegetation. It will also help to limit damage to ground-nesting birds during a sensitive time.
We hope you will be able to join us as we celebrate our region's natural areas by removing the invasive English ivy on No Ivy Day - October 9, 2010. We will have ivy removal work parties at various locations, followed by a celebration. More information can be found at:

In addition to October 9th, you can get involved!
Drop-in work parties are hosted the first and third Saturdays of each month, except major holiday weekends, from 8:45 AM to noon. Join us for ivy removal and trail maintenance. Meet at our Field Headquarters near the Lower Macleay trailhead before 8:45 AM. Wear weather-appropriate, grubby clothing. We'll provide gloves and tools. For more info, call 503-823-9423.

You can help restore the native habitat of Forest Park and other natural areas with efforts in removing invasive plants, youth development programs, environmental education, and community participation, promoting research, providing technical assistance, and seeking relevant societal changes.


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