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Biofuels - Good Renewable Source of Energy

Posted by Flora Sawita

For the last few decades, researchers have been doing their lot of experiments and researches in finding the convenient ways to get the alternative sources of energy to compensate the shortage of the fossil fuel. Perhaps biofuels will be the major source of the energy and power to energize the commercial sectors and revitalize the society as well. To be frank, the area of biofuels has extended up to organic components which include sugar cane, vegetable and corn based oil and ethanol.

Biofuels will provide the adequate energy for doing the daily works and other activities. The government has taken the strong measures for setting up the factories and power stations to enhance the speedy production of the biofuel based energy and power. However, so far as the biolfuels are concerned, ethanol is very important source of biofuel energy but all the ethanol related products are not conducive to the production of the renewable power and electricity.

Therefore, you must be selective in terms of the choice of the specific range of the biofuel energy. You will be glad to hear that by 2025, ethanol will generate at least 10% of the total user friendly gasoline products all over the world and 30 percent more by the end of 2050. However, if you see the index, you will see that only 2% of the ethanol based fuel is now produced in the world.

However, the researchers at the Oregon State University have claimed that they will have to upgrade this biofuel based power with the latest technology so that people can be benefited by getting the gasoline products at cheaper rates. They will have to do vast research for making this biofuel more energy efficient. If you have studied more, you will find that ethanol deriving from corn field is around 20% energy efficient with 75% energy efficiency of the gasoline coming from petroleum products.

The study has further confirmed that biodiesel fuels were measured to be 69 percent energy efficient. However, cellulose based ethanol will over-excel other biofuels with the 85 percent energy efficiency capacity. Truly speaking, the recent attrition level of the availability of oil and petroleum resources will force people to opt for the biofuel. The price hike is also a prominent reason for the modern trends towards the biofuels. Therefore, the future of this alternative source of energy market is very bright.

By 2030, car, vehicles and other means of transportation will be run by biofuels. You must admit that it will boom in near future. Experts have expressed their opinions by emphatically claiming that if the government decides to invest much on biofuel industry, the demand for the other sources of energy like gasoline and lubricant petroleum products will face the steady decline. Brazil is the country which feels proud of producing the largest volume of sugarcane based ethanol products in the international market.

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