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How can Americans stop the oil industry from getting even richer off of us?

Posted by Flora Sawita

Gas prices are out of control. I want to take a stand and make a change, but I don't know how to do it. Good ideas are always welcome, and I bet alot of you are thinking the same thing. So lets band together and do this!How can Americans stop the oil industry from getting even richer off of us?
By saving as much as you can. By refusing to buy and drive gas-guzzling vehicles, by thinking before using your car, and by always buying at the cheapest price available. If everybody did that, the problem would be halved, but unless you citizens get your gouvernment to stop the war in Iraq and to stop threatening Iran, the price of oil will be higher than it would be otherwise.How can Americans stop the oil industry from getting even richer off of us?
But cbjack is dead right. Report Abuse

The only thing we can really do is to stop using anything produced with oil. That would include all of the gas for our cars, buses, airplanes, household appliances, etc. Oil prices are so high because they can be. Unless you're willing to give up everything and live as the cavemen did, there's not really anything we can do about it.

You listen to the whining socialists to much. The oil companies make about a 10% profit. Typical for corporations. The big money is going to the OPEC countries, not our own oil companies. That 10% profit of our oil companies is given to the stockholders. Individuals and pension funds. Want to hurt retired people? Mad at people who invest for their own future? Get mad at OPEC and at the speculators who are the ones actually driving up the price of oil. And get mad at the environmental wackos who have prevented the USA from drilling for our own oil and from building new, more efficient refineries.

The only way to lower the price is for government to take over the oil industry. That is socialism. That will result in shortages and even making gas impossible to buy like in Russia. Better we have expensive gas than no gas.
how do you know that the worlds biggest energy fields/reserves (ie Russian) are not driving the rises in oil prices and getting you to beleive the al qaida man on the streeet is responsible? because they hated the afgans ever since they went to war with them. So in effect perhaps your fighting Russia's battles for them like you did in ww2.
For one thing, if you want oil prices to go down, perhaps you should start creating your own oil

The U.S. is rich in natural resources, and there's no telling how much oil can be found in places like Montana

Everytime someone wants to build a refinery, the enviroment groups go absolutely insane.
change in government.

boycotting even for just aweek in certain places.

';going green';

demanding answers.
How conceited.

The whole WORLD is paying too much for Oil , thanks to America. Food prices are rocketing as a direct result.
I don't want to. I have gold shares to keep in tact!
ha ha ha ha .. you tickle me!


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