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If Venezuela is so rich due to it's oil industry, then why are there still people living in shanties?

Posted by Flora Sawita

Outside Caracus on the hillside there are people living in shanty towns. Why is this, since Venezuela is rich? Couldn't the government do something about this?If Venezuela is so rich due to it's oil industry, then why are there still people living in shanties?
Any country you go to, rich or poor, has people living in shanty towns not just Venezuela. Only God's Kingdom can really solve that problem and others permanently.If Venezuela is so rich due to it's oil industry, then why are there still people living in shanties?
Like most places, the power and wealth is concentrated in a few people and organizations. It's not illegal, but then the world is not fair
Like anywhere else in the world, people have grown cold to the circumstances of others, and have become self absorbed. I once visited a casino area (Atlantic City) and was disgusted to see the poor and wealthy separated by the length of a two-way street.
This question sounds so innocent :P

Its because Caracas grew fast and it wasnt ready for such a growth, there was no or little planning done for that.

Many goverments didnt cared..................they cared on stealing the bigger ammount of money they could %26lt;.%26lt;.

Actually there are plans to aid these barrios

Read my answer to the question about the origin for further details :)
Mismanagement, political immaturity and poor institutions.

Too much corruption.


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