CPO: Going Up?
Posted by Labels: business opportunity Malaysia, CPO futures, CPO investment, create wealth, crude palm oil, crude palm oil futures, Day trading CPO, make money, own business, palm oil futures, rich in CPOFor the past few days the market has not shown any big fluctuation except on last Thursday. The market looks as if it is in the sidelines again. In any market, there are 3 main types of phases ; up going, down going and sidelines.
The forecast for today is as follows;
1) If the market opens between 2150 to 2178. Buy after the market has moved up passing the level 2179 and then retraced to the levels between 2155 to 2160.
2) If the market opens between 2179 to 2180. Buy after the market has dropped to the levels between 2155 to 2160, OR;
3) If the market opens between 2148 to 2168. Buy after the market has dropped 7 points from the opening level.
4) If the market opens between 2169 to 2178. Buy after the market has moved up passing the level 2179 and then retraced to the levels between 2155 to 2160.
5) If the market opens between 2138 to 2147. Sell after the market has dropped and passsed the level 2137 and then moves up to the levels between 2155 to 2160.
6) If the market opens other then the above, it is your call....
7) Please refer to my postings dated 12th January 2009, see # 6.
If you are not sure....no idea!
Have a nice trading day, guys!
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