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Greenwashing Zoos

Posted by Flora Sawita Labels: , , ,

When I hear the greenwashing, I recall the emission of car engine or organic something or such things. But I found this and I think it’s interesting. It is actually greenwash since they talk about the wild life and there are certain people who are deceived.

David Hancocks, a former director and architect of zoos in the United States and Australia, is skeptical of the conservation benefits often claimed by zoos.
While many zoos tout breeding as a success story, Hancocks sees it as "merely basic zoo business: zoos must breed their animals to preserve their collections. Hardly any animals born in zoos are introduced to the wild."
Despite this, he wrote in an opinion column, "they nonetheless loudly position themselves as leaders in wildlife conservation. In truth, government and non-government agencies are most successful in restoring habitat and reintroducing wild species. Zoos play an occasional minor role - and want all the glory." Nor is he persuaded by the claims of many zoos that their redesigned enclosures improve conditions for the animals: "The new zoos, sans cages, make visitors feel better, but it is all deception. The animals typically have no contact with living plants, separated from them by electric wires." The attraction of such green washing is in attracting greater visitor numbers.

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