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Energy Medicine Healing

Posted by Flora Sawita

Energy Medicine Healing

The Definition of Energy Medicine, Energy Healing & Vibrational Medicine:
By Sharon Flaminio
Energy Medicine, Energy Healing and Vibrational Medicine work focuses on supporting an individual with his or her own healing process. In addition, Vibrational Medicine refers to a viewpoint of health and illness that takes into account all of the many forms and frequencies of vibrating energy that are a natural and normal part of the human energy system. All living things are composed of vibrating matter. Simply because they are not static the biochemical molecules that make up the physical body are a form of vibrating energy.

It has been demonstrated that various illnesses vibrate at different frequencies. The cells in our bodies create their own bioelectric fields which can be measured by different tests such as EKG's, EEG's, EMG's, etc. For example, an EKG (which is a test that measures electrical energy coming from the heart) can detect an abnormality in a person's bioelectric field.

In Newtonian physics the human body is viewed as a machine. Unfortunately, much of how Western Medicine looks at treating disease and dysfunction within the human body still follows the Newtonian principles. However, when we look at the human body through the principles of Quantum Physics, we can see the human body as having an energy signature that can become disrupted. It is evident that our cells communicate with each other and respond to their environment. An example of this is when cancer cells are described as "smart." Cancer cells move or scatter in what seems to be a survival method when a person is given radiation or chemotherapy. Sometimes a rise in one's cancer markers are seen during these types of treatments, indicating increased cancer cell activity. In exploring this phenomenon, Quantum Physics addresses questions such as why disease occurs in the body, and why do certain people become sick and others don't when they are exposed to the same conditions.

Applying physics to the world of medicine, Energy Medicine asserts that living beings' reactions to life are not only recorded in the biochemical patterns of memory within the brain, but are also evident in the seven life-energy centers known as Chakras. Because each major chakra is centrally located within various segments of the body, they are each directly linked to a particular region of the body and to a particular hormone-producing endocrine gland, organ system and major ganglion along the spinal cord. Chakras are beneficial to our bodily functions, as they help to nourish our cells and organs. (Our chakra awareness guide illustrates this nicely.)

The energetic balance of an individual's cells can be disrupted by illness, emotional or physical trauma, and by drug therapy or usage. Energy Medicine holds the belief that when disrupted, the chakra system becomes unbalanced, making it difficult for the body to heal itself. The areas where the energy flow is constricted are where the pre-disposition to illness in the body will develop. An example of this would be a person who has difficulty with the ability to love and to let in love. If left untreated, the individual may develop blockages in the fourth chakra: the area around the heart.

Energy balancing work is used to correct imbalances, to restore the natural flow of energy, and to support the body's natural ability to heal. The W.I.S.E.* Energy Medicine healing method, which we use at Awakenings Natural Healing, uses emotional processing, hands-on healing and physical movement to induce healing and to help move stored or blocked energy. Increasing people's awareness about healthy breathing helps to move waste products from the body, increases the body's oxygenation and helps the individual to relax and decrease stress. This in turn places the individual in a less acid state and the body becomes more balanced, allowing the body to focus healing on the areas that require repair.

Using the W.I.S.E. method of Energy Healing helps the patient to achieve a state of deep relaxation, which can lead to deep healing on both the emotional and physical levels.

Traditional western medicine is only just beginning to recognize the power of the body's God-given potential to heal. Energy work and other healing modalities that support one's ability to tap into the body's healing potential can be very powerful. Similarly, psychoneuroimmunology is a field of research that studies the link between mind, body and the immune system, and supports the importance of energy balancing work. (For more details check out Emmett Miller's book entitled Deep Healing.)

It is exciting to be part of this paradigm shift in patient care and I look forward to seeing it grow.

Article written by Sharon Flaminio with assistance from Dorothy Martin-Neville and Richard Gerber's Book on Vibrational Medicine. This work is copyrighted and can not be reproduced without the author's permission.

*The W.I.S.E. (Wholistic, Integrated, Spiritual, Energy) Method was created by Dorothy Martin-Neville, LMFT, LPC, PhD, the founder of the Institute of Healing Arts and Sciences (IHAS) in Hartford, CT. If you are interested in learning more about the IHAS healing programs please click the link below:


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