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Time Magazine’s “Top 15 Green Websites”—No Impact Man

Posted by Flora Sawita

The No Impact Experiement is amazing and one must see the No Impact Man website. It is a blog that is dedicated to one man and his family's quest to leave no enviornmental impact on the world.

On his website he descrbibes it as "A guilty liberal finally snaps, swears off plastic, goes organic, becomes a bicycle nut, turns off his power, composts hi poop, while living in New York City, generally turns into a tree-hugging lunatic who tries to save polar bears and the rest of the planet from enviornmental catastrophe while dragging his baby daughter and Prada-wearing, Four Seasons-loving wife along for the ride."

The blog allows us on the outside of the experiment ot interact and read the ongoing progress. It is one thing for someone to say they are going to try an experiment of this nature but it is something else to allow people into your life and mission to protect the enviornment.

His name is Colin Beaven and he is not a scientist researching global warming or a politcal activist with an agenda but rather an everyday person trying to accomplish a monumental task. You can read more about him and his experiment at



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