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Singapore looks to Myanmar as potential food source

Posted by Flora Sawita

Channel NewsAsia 11 Mar 13;

SINGAPORE: Singaporeans can expect to see more vegetables and seafood from Myanmar.

In a blogpost, National Development Minister Khaw Boon Wan said his ministry works closely with the local food industry to diversify food sources.

He said MND is particularly hopeful of Myanmar becoming a good food source.

Mr Khaw said MND's Senior Minister of State Lee Yi Shyan led a business delegation to Myanmar last year.

One possible item is vegetables like chillies.

Mr Khaw said the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) will facilitate partnerships between Singaporean farmers and Myanmar supply chain partners.

Another potential item is seafood as the Myanmar seafood sector is well developed.

Mr Khaw said while there are some concerns about lack of suitable infrastructure, Myanmar holds a lot of promise.

He believes that through more exchanges and transfer of technical expertise from the AVA, Myanmar farmers will, over time, be able to increase their food exports to Singapore.

Mr Khaw added that our traders can also help support technology transfers to achieve win-win outcomes.

- CNA/ck

Related link
More food from Myanmar on mndsingapore


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