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Posted by Flora Sawita

Potato Frittata with Bacon and Parmesan

Frittatas are a great source of protein. If you eat red meat you can also add bacon for little flavor, but it's totally optional. Frittatas can be served as a breakfast, lunch, or for dinner. By finding local, organic eggs, bacon, and milk, you can reduce the environmental impact you make while cooking this for your friends and family.

This is a great way to get a lot of protein in your daily diet. The protein not only comes from the eggs, but also from the bacon, sour cream, and the milk. The total protein for this dish is 158 grams of protein. This dish contains about 16 servings, each serving provides nearly 10 grams of protein!

15 eggs, beaten
1 1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup sour cream
6 slices of bacon
handful fresh parsley, minced
6-7 new potatoes, thinly sliced
3 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese
olive oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Thoroughly butter a large casserole dish. Heat a medium non-stick pan over medium high heat, and cook the bacon until crispy, set aside on a paper towel to cool and drain. Once it's cooled, chop it up into bits. Heat a large non-stick pan over medium high heat, add about 1/4 cup of olive oil. Add the potatoes and saute them until they start to turn golden brown. Season them with a pinch of salt. Transfer the potatoes to the buttered casserole dish, creating a layer of golden potatoes on the bottom of dish. Allow them to cool while you combine the beaten eggs, milk, garlic, salt, and pepper, bacon, and sour cream in a large bowl. Once the potatoes are mostly cooled, pour the egg mixture over them. Sprinkle the top of the eggs mixture with the parmesan and parsley. Use a fork to gently combine the parsley and parmesan with the egg mixture. Don't mix it in too much, just enough that it's not sitting on top of the dish. Then, put the dish in the oven on the middle rack and bake until the sides are golden brown and the center is set, about 45-60 minutes. You can check to see if it's done by jiggling the dish a bit. If the eggs in the middle are still runny let it cook for another 10 minutes until the eggs set up. Remove from the oven and allow it to rest for about 10 minutes before serving it.

Printable Recipe:
Potato Frittata with Bacon and Parmesan


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