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50 Planet-Friendly Protein Choices

Posted by Flora Sawita

This is a look at the different protein options andwhich/how they can be sustainable.
The body of information you will get from this post isentirely from in anarticle of the same name by Melanie Warner.
We are assuming that most people want to include animalprotein in their diet for some reason or another, but we all want to treat ourbodies and planet better.
First buy organic, pastured, locally raised meats!
LEGUMES – They don’t require fertilizer, but if they are notorganic can have pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, etc. They are veryeco-friendly and an inexpensive choice for protein.
SOY – Soy is one of the best sources of protein, but makesure its organic, 90% of US soybean crops are use (GMO)
SEAFOOD - “Captured, or wild, fish win on every imaginablemetric—energy use, water consumption, pollution, fertilizer, antibiotics, andpesticides,” says Ray Hilborn, PhD, professor of aquatic and fishery sciencesat the University of Washington in Seattle. The negative side of this, is many of the world’s fisheries are beingoverfished.  The website suggestswatching’s website for regional guides on which are bestto consume.
CHICKEN and EGGS – Eggs are more sustainable than chickens.  Each chicken can lay 500 eggs, while onlysupply one body on its own.  There aremany farms that use chemicals, antibiotics, and have terrible conditions fortheir chickens, so it’s best to buy organic and pastured.
DAIRY – Dairy sources of protein are only second to beef asthe worst environmentally conscious protein. The site does declare that if you consume Dairy it is much healthierfrom organically raised cows. 
BEEF – Just like dairy, beef is healthier and better on the environmentif it is grass fed and raised organically, but it is still the “hummer ofprotein-rich foods.”
PORK – Pork converts feed into protein better than beef, butmay be the highest risk of danger to your health and the environment due to itshigh level of wastes produced.  Theysuggest if you must have pork, at least get organic.
You can find more material and even recipes at this website.


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