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Juicing Vegetables and Protein

Posted by Flora Sawita

When watching the move Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead I began tothink about the protein consumption in a juicing diet. Themovie talks about a guy that had health problems and decided to do a vegetablefast by juicing the vegetables for 90 days. While doing that he became muchhealthier and his body started to work better, and I decided to look to see ifhe was getting much protein through the process.

It is true that vegetables don’t have many fats or proteinwithin them, but would having them in a juicing form provide enough proteinthat is needed for the body? Since a person can’t usually eat as manyvegetables that would be juiced it might give the body enough. Here is a listof the vegetables with the highest amount of protein content
1.    Beans – 9g-12g per 100g of beans
2.    Asparagus – 3g per serving
3.    Cauliflower – 3g per serving
4.    Broccoli and Brussels Sprouts – 3g per serving
5.    Artichoke – Just under 3g per serving
6.    Watercress – Just under 3g per 100g
7.    Sweet corn– Under 3g per serving

Even though the content of protein isn’t high in thesevegetables when juicing them, and mixing the type of vegetables up, the amountof protein could be anywhere between 8g to 15g of protein per meal.
Along with the other amount of Micronutrients within thevegetables it seems that it would be possible to get enough protein through juicingvegetables. It would take practice to see how much juice the differentvegetables produce, and mixing them in the right way to get the maximum effectfor protein use. 


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