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Mandatory Companies Build Garden for Residents

Posted by Flora Sawita Labels: ,

RIAU- Oil palm plantation companies which have IUP or IUP-B, must build a palm to the surrounding community, the lowest area of ​​20 percent of the total area cultivated oil palm plantations.
These requirements are contained in the second point of the first requirements that must be met oil palm plantation companies in Indonesia, the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO), namely the licensing system and plantation management.

This was conveyed by the Director of Post-Harvest and Business Development Ditjenbun Ministry of Agriculture, Dr. Ir Hendrajat Natawidjaja MSc DG Estates, Ministry of Agriculture as a resource socialization of oil palm plantations in Indonesia, in Jatra Hotel Pekanbaru, recently.

He said the permit system and plantation management is a requirement for the ISPO most weight and had nine points.

But the obligation to build community gardens for the lowest 20 percent, only to companies that acquire IUP (Plantation Business License) and IUP-B based on the Regulation of Number 26 of 2007.

Construction of community gardens can be made by the pattern of credit, grant or for the results. Construction of the garden for the community, conducted in conjunction with the construction of gardens cultivated by the company. Development plans and community gardens should be known to the regent / mayor.

"And this must be carried out oil palm plantation companies who get the certificate ISPO," he said.

In addition, plantation management must ensure that the use of plantation land in accordance with the General Layout Plan of the Province or Territory General Plan Layout Regency / Municipality in accordance with existing regulations, or other policy in accordance with the provisions set by the government or local government.

Further, when the plantation areas are mining license must be completed with applicable regulations. Must ensure that estates are used is free from the status of the dispute with the community such as local farmers.

If there is a dispute, be settled by consensus to get agreement in accordance with statutory regulations and provisions of local custom. But if there is no agreement, the settlement of disputes should be resolved by taking legal action(RP)


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