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Diet Food

Posted by Flora Sawita Labels: ,

Diet Food
Diet Food | Food | Diet food (dietetic food) refers to any food or drink whose recipe has been modified in any way be part of a modification diet of the body. Although the usual intention is body weight loss and conformational change of body, sometimes it is intended to help gain weight or muscle as in bodybuilding supplements.

The other words or phrases of diet food are used to identify and describe these foods including light or lite, low calorie, lean, no calories, fat free, no fat, low fat, sugar free, zero calories and no sugar. In some countries or areas, the use of these terms can be regulated by law. For example, in the U.S. a product labeled fat free should contain less than 0.5grams of fat per serving and to be labeled low fat can contain no more than 3grams of fat per serving.

The making process of a diet food version usually requires finding an acceptable substitute for some low calorie ingredients high in calories. This can be as simple as replacing some or all of the sugars of the food with a sugar substitute that is common with diet soft drinks like Diet Coke, a product of Coca-Cola. In some cases, meals can be baked instead of fried thus reducing the number of calories. In other cases, low-fat ingredients are used as substitutes.

In whole grain foods, high fiber content effectively displaces some of the components of starch flour. Since some of the fibers have no calories, this translates into moderate caloric reduction. Another technique of making diet food is based on the intentional addition of other ingredients such as resistant starch calories and dietary fiber to replace some of the flour and get a greater reduction in calories.

In dietetic foods that replace sugar with lower-calorie substitutes, there is some controversy over the possibility that the sugar substitutes used to replace sugar are themselves harmful. Although this issue is satisfactorily resolved (which remains unlikely at present), the question remains whether the caloric restriction benefits may be greater than the potential loss.

The fat, in many fat free and low in fat of diet foods is replaced with flour, sugar or other ingredients full of calories, and the caloric value reduction is small, if present. In addition, more digestible sugar (and the excess of any macro-nutrient) is stored as body fat.

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