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Biodiesel fuel

Posted by Flora Sawita

UPS goes green with biodiesel switch
Western Farm Press - ‎Jun 3, 2011‎
For a start, it's making your world greener by using cleaner burning biodiesel. The United Parcel Service began using biodiesel blends at its most vital hub in Louisville, Ky., last month. UPS recently installed a biodiesel fuel tank and fueling ...
Bacteria as Biofuel: It's Coming
PCWorld - Jason Kennedy - ‎Jun 3, 2011‎
Renewable fuel can change the industry and the world. I will certainly be watching Joule Unlimited, and you should too. Would you be interested in switching to biodiesel? Why or why not? Sound off in the comments!
Area class turns kitchen oil into biodiesel fuel
Bloomington Pantagraph - ‎May 29, 2011‎
(The Pantagraph/LORI ANN COOK-NEISLER) (May 25, 2011) LEXINGTON — Among the accomplishments of Steve Simpson's senior chemistry class is the production of 33 gallons of biodiesel fuel made from dirty kitchen oil. Some of it will power the school's ...
Tax credits under scrutiny
Statesman Journal - ‎3 hours ago‎
OTHER ACTIVE: Specified research, $1.9 million; fire insurance, $800000; workers' compensation assessments, $400000; credit for biofuel consumers, and credit for biodiesel used in home heating, $300000 each. Long-term rural enterprise zones, ...
Truckers want limits on biodiesel
Toronto Star - Dana Flavelle - ‎May 30, 2011‎
While the biodiesel mandate comes into effect July 1, users have until the end of 2012 to comply, the biofuel industry also noted. The truckers want Ottawa to modify the mandate to suspend the 2 per cent requirement whenever biodiesel fuel is in short ...


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