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Biodiesel forum

Posted by Flora Sawita

Green Innovation Forum - Energy efficiency and renewable energy - ‎Jun 2, 2011‎
Two guest speakers of the first event are Associate Professor Pham Ngoc Lan from College of Science, Vietnam National University with his research on Biodiesel production from waste cooking oil and Mr. Nguyen Phan Kien, the team leader of the project ...
Whitsunday waste management to save money
Media Newswire (press release) - ‎May 17, 2011‎
“Operators will look at a range of eco-friendly business practices including turning food waste into compost for market gardens and waste oil into biodiesel to run lawn mowers.” Ms Jarratt said these groundbreaking companies utilised existing ...
Shift! OK, listen up. Green is not the colour of nerds
Calgary Herald - ‎Jun 1, 2011‎
Small-scale biodiesel processors are being built to make fuel from used fast-food restaurant cooking oils. Springboard Biodiesel of Chico, Calif., sells its automated BioPro 190 for US $9995; pour in the used stuff to make about 190 litres of ...
Murrieta welcomes Chinese business owners
Press-Enterprise - ‎May 31, 2011‎
EGRO Biofuels makes mobile, self-contained, waste-free biodiesel processors. The event created a forum for local companies to discuss opportunities for selling products to China, with the goal of growing their businesses by creating export markets ...
Chinese Trade Delegates Meet With Local Companies at Murrieta City Hall - Maggie Avants - ‎May 26, 2011‎
EGRO Biofuels has created mobile self contained waste free biodiesel processors. Both are cleantech/greentech companies, he said. According to Coleman, Murrieta was the only city in the southwest Riverside County area to host the high-level delegation.


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