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Biodiesel for sale

Posted by Flora Sawita

Zhengzhou, China Accelerates Big Plans for Biodiesel Sector - Liu Yuanyuan - ‎Jun 2, 2011‎
Industry consultants are advising the city on development plans that include proper documentation development of rules for food waste management, expanding sale channels and promoting the adoption of biodiesel products, and implementing favorable ...
China Integrated Energy Appoints Mr. Liren Wei as Independent Director
PR Newswire (press release) - ‎Jun 3, 2011‎
China Integrated Energy, Inc. is a leading non-state-owned integrated energy company in China engaged in three business segments: the production and sale of biodiesel, the wholesale distribution of finished oil and heavy oil products, and the operation ...
Florida Biodiesel, Inc. Has Delivered A Biodiesel System To Blackburn College.
Online PR News (press release) - William Gehrs - ‎May 18, 2011‎
Florida Biodiesel, Inc. has completed a B-60 Biodiesel Processor sale, made by to Blackburn College. The Biodiesel production equipment will be used to demonstrate Green Fuel technology for on-campus activities. ...
Briefs: Forest City biodiesel plant gets $1.5 million award - ‎May 12, 2011‎
The stock sale would be a big step by the government toward disentangling itself from the company. The government stepped in to rescue the company from collapse with $182 billion in 2008 — the biggest bailout of the financial crisis. ...
EQM raises $500K for Texas biodiesel project
Biofuels Digest - ‎May 20, 2011‎
EQM will use all of the net proceeds for the working capitol needs of its Cleburne, Texas biodiesel plant. EQM previously reported in April they had successfully restarted its plant, and began producing biodiesel in commercial quantities for sale.


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