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Biodiesel feedstock suppliers

Posted by Flora Sawita

NCBA Supports Legislation Targeting Renewable Fuels
Southeast AgNet - ‎Jun 2, 2011‎
WASHINGTON (May 31, 2011) – The National Cattlemen's Beef Association (NCBA) threw its weight behind the Fuel Feedstock Freedom Act, which amends the Clean Air Act to allow states to opt out of the corn ethanol portion of the renewable fuel standard ...
Mission Expected to Benefit from Official Launch of Biodiesel Mandate in Malaysia
Business Wire (press release) - ‎Jun 2, 2011‎
Jatropha Curcas is an inedible biodiesel feedstock cultivated by Mission's contract farmers on arid, marginal lands. By realizing the Jatropha by-product value, Mission is working towards a zero cost, sustainable, non-edible fuel source. ...
Virent produces biofuel from sources outside food supply
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel - Thomas Content - ‎Jun 2, 2011‎
"We anticipate further development in our production of drop-in fuels and chemicals from biomass, giving our nation long-awaited access to a wider range of feedstock choices." The advanced biofuels consortium is a proving ground for a variety of ...
The Defense Department Is a Significant Driver of New Technology
Biofuels Digest - Brent Erickson - ‎Jun 3, 2011‎
... making use of local feedstocks to produce sustainable biofuels for the military. The Navy and Air Force have both worked with biofuel suppliers to conduct tests and certify that biofuels meet exacting requirements for performance and cost. ...
Ethanol maker in deal with P&G for green packaging
Forexyard - Carey Gillam, Gerald E. McCormick - ‎May 31, 2011‎
"Novel innovations from our suppliers ... are critical to us achieving this vision," Sauers said. ZeaChem plans to use a 250000 gallon-per-year cellulosic biorefinery currently under construction in Boardman, Oregon, to manufacture the bio-based ...


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