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Biodiesel explanation

Posted by Flora Sawita

Tim Pawlenty's Ethanol Stance Offers Boost Against Romney In 2012 Presidential ...
Huffington Post - ‎May 24, 2011‎
However, Governor Branstad does not believe taxpayer support should end abruptly, as was done with biodiesel, which severely crippled that industry," Branstad spokesman Tim Albrecht told HuffPost. Branstad wants to see "a well-thought, ...
U.S. oil import dependence: declining no matter how you measure it - ‎May 25, 2011‎
A much narrower measure that looks at crude oil imports into the United States as a percentage of total refinery crude inputs (Measurement C) excludes ethanol, biodiesel, and natural gas liquids (NGLs) as sources of petroleum products that are almost ...
Peak Oil: A Chance To Change The World - Richard Heinberg - ‎May 16, 2011‎
Indeed, the scientific community is nearly unanimous in assessing that the Earth is warming, and that the only credible explanation for this is rising levels of CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels. That kind of consensus is hard to achieve among ...
The Audacity of Chinese Frauds
The Ledger - Floyd Norris - ‎May 27, 2011‎
In December, KPMG was retained by China Integrated Energy, which claimed to be a leader in the production of biodiesel. Just hiring a Big Four auditor enabled it to raise $24 million from institutional investors in the United States. ...


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